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Neighbourhood Planning Meetings
Conference Room, Epping Hall,
St John's Road
17th March 2015: 19.00pm: Agenda Minutes
24th August 2015: 19.15pm: Agenda Minutes
22nd September 2015: 20.15pm: Agenda Minutes
24th November 2015: 20.15pm: Agenda Minutes
Community Engagement Strategy
Issues from Early Engagement
Meetings are now on 'meetings' page (drop down menu)
26th January 2016: 20.15pm: Agenda Minutes
22nd March 2016: 20.15pm: Agenda Minutes
7th June 2016: 7.15pm: Agenda Minutes
2nd August 2016: 7.30pm Agenda Minutes
6th September 2016: 7.30pm Agenda Minutes
13th October 2016: 7.30pm Agenda Minutes
24th October 2016: 7.30pm Agenda Minutes Appendix 1
15th November 2016: 7.30pm Agenda to follow
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