About the Town Council
Epping Town Council is the parish council for the town of Epping, established in 1973 as a result of Government reorganisation and the abolition of the Urban District Councils. It liaises with Epping Forest District Council and Essex County Council on matters relating to Epping Town and achieved Quality Status Reaccreditation in September 2009.
The Town Council consists of twelve members, elected every four years from the Hemnall and St Johns Wards and meets in the evening on the second Tuesday of every month.
As a consultee on proposed developments in the area, the Planning and General Purposes Committee meets fortnightly, also on Tuesday evenings.
Dates of meetings are listed here. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and may comment during the Council Meeting at Public Participation - Question Time and Item 4 at the Planning and General Purposes Committee.
The Town Council employs a Town Clerk and twelve other members of staff. Responsibilities include the running of the Monday Market in the High Street and the administration of the Cemetery in Bury Lane. It also maintains six Recreation Grounds, (Brook Road, Frampton Road, Ivy Chimneys, Lower Swaines, Parklands and Stonards Hill), the provision of two allotment sites (Lower Bury Lane and Meadow Road), two community halls (Epping Hall and Jack Silley Pavilion), heritage open space (Swaines Green), bus shelters, fingerposts, litter bins, notice boards, public clock, public seats and public toilet.
The Town Council also organises a number of Community Events each year, including the Town Show in July, Epping Christmas Market, Epping in Bloom and others. The Council also provides Christmas lights in the High Street.