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Draft Local Plan consultation - Epping Forest District Council


Epping Forest District Council have issued a draft Local Plan for consultation.


The consultation period is 31st October until 12th December.


The draft Local Plan, when approved, will be the policy document that future planning applications are judged against.


The draft Local Plan makes a number of proposals and suggestions and it is important to remember that this is a consultation period.  Epping Forest District Council want to know what YOU think of the proposals in the plan.  MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR SAY.





Epping Town Council are in the process of studying Epping Forest District Council’s draft Local Plan very carefully and will work through the details of it in conjunction with our Neighbourhood Planning process.

We will provide details of all our work as soon as it is available.

Epping Forest District Council’s public consultation lasts from 31st October until 12th December and residents are strongly recommended to share their views with Epping Forest District Council.

Epping Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan will address the specific issues for Epping. Please come and get involved in the process and have your say.



Here is some guidance on how to respond to the draft Local Plan:

Epping Town Council will have an ExtraOrdinary Council meeting on Thursday 27th October 2016 to discuss the draft Local Plan.

Epping Town Council are working on the Neighbourhood Plan for Epping.

When passed or 'made', this will work alongside the Local Plan.  This is specific to the parish of Epping (and is different to the Local Plan). Please come and have your say
on Epping's future through Neighbourhood Planning too.

For Council Tax, Housing, Environmental Health, Street Cleansing and Refuse, Planning Applications, Building Control and Benefits, please contact Epping Forest District Council

For Highways, Social Services, Libraries, Education, Registrars please contact Essex County Council

For issues relating to Epping Forest please contact the Corporation of London

© Epping Town Council 2021

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